Operation Noyade

This Revolution Will Be Televised?

LONDON: 30/12/1989
Squatters break into the Crystal Palace Transmitting Station & Museum hoping to find somewhere cozy to host an afterparty on New Year’s Eve, but what they find is a secret VHS tape laying out government plans to cut the welfare budget by all means necessary, including doing the unmentionable.

Operation Noyade is the story of how three unsuspecting people battle against the Official Secrets Act, the Police, and government to broadcast contents of the VHS during a Conservative party Conference.

Noyade is a socio-economic tale about life in the late 80’s, when austerity, unemployment and homelessness were order of the day in the UK. Originally written as a film script in 1989, the story has been adapted to a graphic novel series that’s illustrated by Graham Leggett, and lettered by Mike Stock.


Clockwork Watch - Graphic Novel, Immersive Events, Co-Created Story


Breathe (2009) - Transmedia Film